به زودی در مدار

?Mrs. Lichtenstein: Hello, Clareese. Are you pregnant

Clareese looks away

Mrs. Lichtenstein: You're 16; you're still in Junior High School; and you're pregnant with your second child. Is that correct

No reply

?Mrs. Lichtenstein: Are you pregnant, again

Mrs. Lichtenstein huffs, exacerbated

?Mrs. Lichtenstein: What happened Clareese

.Clareece 'Precious' Jones: I had sex, Mrs. Lichtenstein

?Mrs. Lichtenstein: Do you have any other thoughts about your situation, Clareese

Clareese shrugs

?Mrs. Lichtenstein: Clareese

?Clareece 'Precious' Jones: Am I in trouble

No reply

.Clareece 'Precious' Jones: Thank you, but I have to get back to math

She gathers her things to leave

!Mrs. Lichtenstein: Sit down, Clareese. Sit down right now

Clareese sits back down

.Mrs. Lichtenstein: We should have a parent-teacher conference with you, me and your mother

.Clareece 'Precious' Jones: My mother's busy

?Mrs. Lichtenstein: Alright. How about if I come to your house

Clareece 'Precious' Jones: If I were you, I wouldn't